September Historian Update

A Note from the History Chair

Welcome back everyone for the 2017-2018 ASHRAE year for the Champlain Valley Chapter and time is upon us to settle into our committee chair responsibilities and plan our individual goals and objectives for the year.

As Chapter Historian, I am always on the lookout for subject matter to write articles recognizing the achievements of chapter members and/or supporting companies or even an interesting project or innovative use of technology. Please feel free to contact me or pass along any leads for topics or achievements which you believe deserve recognition in our chapter newsletter.

For this year, I will be continuing to update our chapter’s history by bringing our stored archives current on Year End Summaries (only two more to bring current), working with recent past presidents to create their presidential biography for our chapter’s archives (about a half dozen to be gathered) and conducting a leadership recall interview with a recent past president as some of my objectives for the year.

This year I would like to begin a discussion within the chapter for ideas and beginning a plan of action on how members and past chapter leaders think we should celebrate our chapter’s 50th anniversary, a historical milestone which is on the horizon in 2019-2020. In that vein, I am proposing incorporating a “History Night” as part of one of our monthly meetings to gain insight and perspectives from our most dedicated members on their thoughts on the chapter’s longevity and what has made us so successful as an ASHRAE chapter.

Michael R. Cook – Chapter Historian 2017-18.

This site is maintained by the Champlain Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. Champlain Valley Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at