September 2017 CTTC Update

For the 2017/18 year as CTTC chair, I have a few different objectives I am looking to meet.  First, the meetings will span a wide variety of topics, in order to benefit the different members of our chapter.  Two meetings will be facility tours, one of a new “green” and energy efficient building, and one of a complex industrial refrigeration system.  Both of these tours will include short (30 min) technical presentations to enhance the experience.  Six of the meetings will include technical topics, one of which will be refrigeration-focused, and one green-building focused, and another meeting will include a non-technical topic.  Additionally, I will take advantage of ASHRAE’s Distinguished Lecturer Program, ensuring a high quality and valuable presentation.  Also, I plan to take advantage of ASHRAE’s annual webcast, and half-day training seminar, offering them at our local chapter.  Also, I will continue and expand upon our partnership with other local professional building organizations, including AIA, CSI, VGBN, and VHES.  With these organizations, I hope to identify issues which span all of our work, and address them during our meetings.  Finally, I will fulfil the administrative rigor required of this position by facilitating surveys after every meeting and reporting back to the RVC, as well as providing CE certificates to members that desire them.  I look forward to fulfilling this role for our Chapter, and hope our members will find the meetings interesting and valuable.


Nick Thiltgen

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